Wednesday, July 26, 2006

She's Grounded.

Well due to the baby's stubborn refusal to come out, we've decided that she's grounded for 6 months. There, that'll teach her.

Krissy has now been in "early labor" since Sunday early afternoon (no joke). She can hardly sleep, and is generally in pain most of the time. We're not to go to the hospital until the active stage so we're still sitting and waiting. We're going to the Dr. at 10:30 this morning so we'll update after that. Krissy is pushing for being induced at this point.

One request to those of you calling Krissy: Please be gentle and nice to her :-) She's had a rough week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Grant and Krissy,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys! When you hold your new little bundle of love you will think of this time and know you would go thru it all again. With lots of hugs and love...
Nancy, Reed & Kids. xo

Kevin Kincade said...

Hopefully this will be some consolation: Laura's early labor put her on bedrest for a month. Christian was born a little early, small, and had to be supplemented and watched very carefully his first few days. While he is now happy and thriving, there were some fearful times. So, all things said and done, perhaps it's good that the little one is still cooking. Try and enjoy. She'll be here soon either way.

Anonymous said...

Well, think about it. Would YOU want to come out? As best as I understand it, it's rather heavenly in there.

My thoughts are with you both.