Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Long, Sweltering, Weekend...

Ugh. What a long, hot, miserable weekend we've had here. Poor Krissy has been having pre-labor contractions on and off for days now. They had us come in this evening for an evaluation, and it appears there is very little change since Friday. However, her contractions are getting more frequent and regular, so it could happen soon....

I've been doing my best to keep Krissy comfortable, mostly by creating air conditioning by filling up out cooler with ice and blowing a fan on it. Works pretty well. Sorry to keep you all waiting...


Grant & Krissy said...

I guess I'm a trooper. :) Grant's been so good to me, I can't wait to see him as a daddy!!

Grant & Krissy said...

Today the contractions continue, now getting closer together, seemingly around every 10 mins now. We're waiting for whatevery sign that it's time... Krissy is at the local air-conditioned mall going on a long walk to see if that helps.

Anonymous said...

It's is hard enough to be late without it also being one of the hottest weekends on record! I have fans going everywhere and all night, so I sympathisize. Hope the walk at the mall helped. I'm waiting for the call!

Anonymous said...

Keep the walking going. Gravity may start working. So sorry you have suffered through this hot weather.
Can't wait to hold the new grandaughter. Grandma Isabel was so happy you called today. Maybe you should have Grant get you a small swimming pool. Avery has been enjoying the one in our back yard.
Call at any time.

Grant & Krissy said...

Well we thought last night was the night, but the contractions slowed down as the night went on, at least allowing Krissy to get some sleep. Nothing yet.
