Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all you fabulous mom's. I have had a wonderful day and weekend. We went to Seattle on Friday to spend the night with Nana. We had a nice relaxing time. We played at the park and went for a leisurely walk through the Arboretum on Saturday. After that we met with my family at the Aquarium. The girls had so much fun!! Today has been really nice and relaxing. Grant and Danielle made me breakfast, then we went to Hovander Park to fly our kite and pet the animals that live there. Danielle had so much fun seeing all the animals and jumping in puddles.

Nana has this really neat park right by her house that we go visit everytime we see her!!

Ready, set GO!!!!!!!!!

We call her the swinger... she will swing all day if she could.

Look who's in the big kid swing??!!

Danielle reading her favorite book to Nana and pointing out the mouse (and other things) in each page.

Nana & Danielle at the Arboretum

Stopping to smell the azaila's.

Danielle pointing at the airplane to Nana.

Free ride

And off to the aquarium...

Dome fish tank... we (and the fish) were waiting for the feeding.

Avery & Danielle watching the fish.

The wolf eel was putting on a show for us before the feeding.

Bubba and his two favorite girls... his other favorite was napping.

Hovander Park

Look mama that's a COW! And a COW says MOOOOO!!

Danielle petting the noisy sheep. There were two babies but there were a bit shy and stayed in the shed.

The goose taking a bath. It was really fun watching him bathe himself. He would go underwater and scratch, shake off and then do it all over again.

What else can I pet?

The BIG horsey. He saw us coming and came over to say hello. Danielle was quite impressed!!

So impressed that she wanted to climb the fence to pet the horse.

A peacock roaming freely around the park...

And a peacock showing his true colors.

Marching so proudly through the puddle

Danielle playing in a bigger and better puddle... just moments later she fell back and got her jeans soaking wet. AND that was our cue to leave, kicking and screaming!

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