Monday, May 19, 2008

FUN in the SUN!!

The weather this past weekend was beautiful! And we made the most of it.

On Thursday we meet some of our friends at Hovander Park for a picnic & some fun. Since being there for mothers day they now have little pigs, which where really cute. After lunch we played on the toys, then headed home for our nap.

Ronan, Danielle, and Cassey checking out all the chickens.

The piggies

Voilet & Danielle having fun swinging.

Danielle's new "way" of swinging. :)

On Friday we went down to my parents house to help with a yard sale. It was so hot (like high 80's) so we made the most of it by jumping through the sprinkler with Avery. We also had a picnic dinner at Juanita beach... but I left the camera in the car.

Sprinklers are FUN!!

Princess Avery testing the water.

Danielle being silly & cute!

On Sunday after I got off work we went to Birch Bay to play on the beach. We met up with some friends and had a great afternoon throwing rocks, throwing the ball around, and flying our Elmo kite as high as it could fly. It's Monday now and as luck would have it, it's raining again. Hopefully the sun comes out later this week.

Throwing rocks with Daddy.

Checking out the beautiful view!

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