Friday, April 04, 2008

Is she ready to use the Potty?!!

The past couple of days Danielle has been asking to sit on the big toilet (not the little one we have out for her). So this morning I let her sit on it. She unzips her jammies and tries to take her diaper off and sits. We put her on fully clothed so she could see what it's like. Before her bath this evening I took her diaper off and sat her on the toilet. She sat for about 3 minutes and I was telling her to try and go potty. She didn't go but when she was all done she shut the lid and flushed. Could she be ready for the potty?! We hope so... that would be so AWESOME!!

This morning showing she can sit on the big toilet.

Wanting to go after mommy went potty

I'm a big girl now!

She's saying "all done, down" and is ready to flush.

1 comment:

shay said...

Wow! What a big girl! Miss you!