Wednesday, November 29, 2006

November Wonderland

Here's a couple photos of our house after the foot or more of snow that fell.

Snowy trees, so peaceful...

Bundled up ready to go for a walk in the snow (didn't last long... she's just like her mommy and doesn't like to be cold :-)
So much for pacifiers, she's found her thumb. It's cute now, but we fear it will be a nightmare when she gets older. A stare down, Skipper loves to play with her while she's in the exosaucer
Somewhat liking her tummy time. We're practicing for her 'roll over' debut
I'm so ready for this snow to melt. We've been holed up in our house for almost a week now. (Except for the trip to Michael's and FM with Shay and Thad- thanks for letting me tag along.) Although, I've managed to set up all my Christmas decorations, all we need is our tree.
Danielle turned 4 months on the 28th. She's such a happy baby. She's learning her voice more and more every day and she's able to sooth herself and almost put herself to sleep for naps and at night. We're going to start cereal in a couple of weeks.
Hope everyone is surviving the November freezefest!! ~K


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great story you have shared. Those were some pretty and adorable pictures. You guys need to start practicing driving in the snow. It might snow again. I need to start my own blog and share with the world my daughters cuteness. Thanks for sharing, and we miss you!
Love, Kim, Joe and Avery

Anonymous said...

Freezefest???? what freezefest???? it's 70 degrees out here in Jersey. How about sending some of that winter weather our way.