Very Proud Big sis finally holding her sister. She has waited for this moment for a L-O-N-G time!
Right after this photo was taken Isabelle started screaming and scared the day lights out of Danielle. So in the following pictures you will see Danielle is a bit hesitant to hold her sis.
Bathy time.
Not a fan of her first bath. :)
All cozy after her sponge bath.
Momma & Isabelle
Izzie brought her big sis some new dinosaurs and Danielle thought that was really cool & so nice!!
Nana was one very special lady. Isabelle gave her a preview of her eyes... she's been very shy about opening them. :)
Proud Daddy & Nana!
Counting her toes... making sure they are all there.
Me and my little ladies!!
She's pondering life already....
Finally home sweet home!!
She found her thumb just like her big sis did.
Cousin Avery holding her baby cousin Isabelle.
Cuddle time with my girls before bed.